CHANGE is only the permanent phenomenon in the life. In a changing & volatile World, It is versatile & visionary who succeed. The day 12th Sept’1994 gave a birth to a all new saga in the history of Aviation – the birth of IRAL. A milestone so significant that the agreement to form the company, bore the signature of India’s Prime Minister and the President of Russian Federation.
About IRAL
IRAL is a Joint Venture Company of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, ICICI Bank Limited, JSC “RAC “MiG”, GRPZ Ryazan & Aviazapchast PLC. IRAL is an enterprise that fully supports all aircraft of Russian (Former Soviet Union) Origin. IRAL provides comprehensive range of products and services for prompt overhaul & maintenance and modernization for all fighter aircraft, transport aircraft and helicopters of Russian / EX-CIS origin.